Circa Survivor Week 6 Breakdown (2023)

Last week, more entries were eliminated in the 2023 Circa Survivor Pro Football Contest, with Washington making up the biggest group, and now the contest is down to 1,836 entries remaining for a prize pool over $9 million dollars.

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For Week 6, we have three big favorites in Buffalo, Kansas City, and Miami, but over half of all entries have used each of those teams. So there will be plenty of strategy decisions, and entries are already running low on some of the most valuable teams to have throughout the contest.

In this article, we project the Week 6 choices and pick rates in Circa. Below, you will also find a table projecting the future value rankings for all 32 NFL teams, listing out value projections, number of potentially usable weeks remaining, and contest availability. We also have tables showing specific projections and break-even pick popularity for the Thanksgiving and Christmas games.

Week 6 Pick Rate Predictions

Here is the table showing the predicted popularity estimates for Week 6, as well as EV and future value.

TeamProjectedEVFV Rank

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